Running on Empty
If you find yourself frequently worn out pay attention to what you are thinking. Chances are there something going on that may be out of alignment with your authentic self. Something is trying to get your attention. Maybe you continue to work in a job where you...
It Starts At The Root
It Starts At The Root From the moment we are born, we start to separate from the deepest truth of who we are. And we spend our lives trying to reconnect. If life starts out without a strong foundation, or at some point we begin to feel like we are not accepted, or...
If You Aren't Happy at Work, You Aren't Happy in Life
Randi Shapiro and Mindy Strich say "if you aren't happy at work, you aren't happy in life." It's the new year, so it's a good time to make changes and be happy. Every thought, emotion and event of your life is recorded and in your cells. Human beings send and receive...
I love you, I really really love you. You are my best friend and I enjoy living my life with you. Experiences come and go however, my love for you is constant. We have a good life together and it will only get better and better. We have many wonderful adventures ahead...
Go Towards The Roar
To prepare for the hunt, lions send their oldest and weakest members away from the hunting pack settling in nearby where the strong and younger lions wait and watch. As the herds approach, the old lions let out a loud roar, and at the sound, blinded by fear,...
The Greatest Gift of All
Last weekend was the 4th annual Good Karma "What is Your Intention for 2013" gift exchange, held in Roswell, GA. The synchronicity of the universe showed up as many times as there were stars in the sky. Everyone came with anticipation and excitement and left moved,...