running out of gas


If you find yourself frequently worn out pay attention to what you are thinking. Chances are there something going on that may be out of alignment with your authentic self. Something is trying to get your attention.

Maybe you continue to work in a job where you are not recognized, or in a relationship that is not fulfilling. Could it be that you put everyone else’s needs first…. but what about your needs?  When reviewing the safety rules before flight travel we are encouraged to “put our oxygen mask on first.  If you feel drained of energy you need to fill yourself up.

The situation you find yourself in is a clue to the deeper reason for your weariness. Life wants us to be childlike, joyful, and alive!  If this is not your natural state then ask yourself… What does my heart desire?

Awareness is the first step towards taking action, restoring your energy and renewing your life. What do you want to say YES to. Listen to the whispers.