I am only human.
I stumble too.
Yes, I write and speak pretty words.
Sometimes. Pretty to some, maybe.
Words infused with truth, maybe.
Words channeled from a place
prior to the void, prior to ‘place’.
Words pregnant with a silence
they cannot name or hold.
I am wise and I am a terrible fool.
I am powerful. I am a precious child.
Frightened. Invulnerable.
Wild. Limited. Pure.
A madman.
I am All.
I am Insignificance itself.
I am Mystery.
A Universe birthed itself inside me.
And I still stumble.
Ache. Yearn.
Throb with unfinished life.
Chaos, walk by my side.
Devastation, guide me now.
Groundlessness, show me the way.
In my failure
help me breathe in the sacred.
In my humiliation
show me humility.
The student is the teacher here.
The teacher is the student.
Forever healed forever healing.
Perfectly whole perfectly broken.
I resurrect upon each breath.
– Jeff Foster