Head and heart


The Institute of Heart Math defines heart intelligence as a flow of awareness, the understanding and intuition we experience when our minds and our emotions are brought into coherent alignment with the heart.  The more we pay attention to when our heart is speaking to us, the greater our ability to access this guidance.

In other words….. Listen to your heart, not your head!

The electromagnetic field of the heart is 60 times more powerful than that of the brain so if you want to make a change in your life,  start living from what you feel, not what you think.

Very often it takes a wound… a physical or emotional heart-break to get us to look deeper.  (Death, divorce, illness, loss of a job…)  We’ve all experienced these painful events. I don’t know about you but they have been the most transformational experiences of my life. Pain has a way of getting our attention.  

Pain can literally break us open so we can finally uncover what we have buried.  When we shine a light into our own darkness we begin to see clearly and start healing. When we leave our wounds unhealed, we really can die of a broken heart.

It should come as no surprise that heart disease is the #1 cause of death.  We need to feel it to heal it.  

When the rhythm of our hearts are not functioning properly it impacts the health of all the other organs and systems in our bodies. We guard ourselves from being hurt and learn to make love conditional.

The stories we create get projected onto our hearts, and cause imbalances, not only in our hearts but in all other areas of the body. Has heartache ever made you feel sick to your stomach? Given you a lump in your throat? Made you feel like you couldn’t breathe?  It is all connected!   

It’s not uncommon that we try and protect ourselves from being hurt, or feeling pain.  To not risk being rejected or hurt we build up walls, defend ourselves, judge, and blame. We imprison ourselves inside our comfort zones.  After all it feels safer in there.  What we are really doing is stopping the flow of energy that will allow us to receive the one  thing we most want to experience in our lives.

We want to be loved, give love and feel love UNCONDITIONALLY and we can’t do that freely if we put restrictions on the flow of love we send out and receive.  You can’t have an open heart without the willingness to let all your emotions in.

Our hearts are more than a physical organ and muscle. Our hearts are the core of who we are.  All the thoughts, emotions and energy we hold in our hearts, have a direct influence on what we are and are not creating in our lives.

When go to the energy of our hearts are in balance we feel joy, gratitude, love, compassion and forgiveness.  Take a moment and bring your awareness to your heart. Ask yourself….. Are you living from the wounds or the wisdom?