I love you, I really really love you. You are my best friend and I enjoy living my life with you. Experiences come and go however, my love for you is constant. We have a good life together and it will only get better and better. We have many wonderful adventures ahead of us and a life filled with love. All the love in our lives begins with us. I really love you! – Louise Hay
Why is it so easy to find all the things we don’t like about ourselves…Our thighs are too big, our boobs are too small, we’re not as talented as ______ or as smart as _______. (fill in the blanks). No wonder our partners look like they were struck by a deer in the headlights when we ask “How does my butt look in these jeans? Is there really a good answer for that? If they say ” Sweetie you look “FANTASTIC”, are you going to believe them?
Until we develop the capacity to love and appreciate ourselves, we will keep searching for happiness in all the wrong places. You don’t need someone else to to you how beautiful, smart or worthy you are, you need to start believing it yourself!
Recently I started doing an exercise every morning before I get into the shower. I stop in front of the mirror and starting with the top of my head I move down my entire body noticing any judgments or negative feelings I have. When I find them, I stop and ask that part of me for forgiveness. I ask my eyes, my thighs, my butt (especially my butt) for forgiveness. Then I tell each part of me that I love it, appreciate it and am grateful for it. From head to toe I look at myself in gratitude for the body that I created.
How we feel about our bodies can be a pretty good indication of how we feel about ourselves.
And if you are one of the rare people that love, really really love your body, there are still parts of you that you don’t love. Start there.
We will never be able to change something if we constantly condemn it. We certainly wouldn’t be able to sustain a healthy relationship if we criticized it all the time. Everyone and everything wants to feel loved, even our fat cells.
The world treats you like you treat yourself. Until you accomplish self appreciation and self love you will fall short of achieving what you really want and can have … unconditional love, and overwhelming joy.
You cannot get from others what you are unable to give to yourself. Start seeing the miracle of your body, not the measurements of your thighs. See what happens.
When I started my daily pre shower routine, it was uncomfortable at first but now it doesn’t feel so weird. Some days I actually look forward to it. And the best part is I keep running into people that ask me if I have lost weight, mention that I look great… and you know what —- I believe them!
Listen to the whispers,
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