What if

What if

What if our understanding of ourselves were based not on static labels or stages but on our actions, our ability and on our willingness to transform ourselves? What if we embraced the messy, evolving, surprising, out-of-control happening that is life and reckoned with...
Attachment masquerades as love

Attachment masquerades as love

Why alternative medicine? Because it does more than cure you of a disease. It heals and makes you whole. Reiki healing healers don’t promise cures for your ailments. We’re energy healers helping the body heal itself. Attachment masquerades as love. It says...
She changed the world

She changed the world

She felt like doing her part to change the world, so she started by giving thanks for all of the blessings in her life, rather than bemoaning all that was missing from it. Then she complimented her reflection in the mirror, instead of criticizing it as she usually...
Mind and heart

Mind and heart

Every word we speak and every action we perform effects our future. But where do words and actions come from? They all start from our mind. When we indulge in resentment or obsession or self righteous thinking, we create several problems for ourselves. First we suffer...
The turbulence of healing

The turbulence of healing

Healing from trauma – which I am defining here as chronically suppressed emotion – can sometimes feel like going through severe turbulence on a night flight. When your squished-down grief, terror, shame and rage decide to break through the ego’s defences...
What is the world I want for myself?

What is the world I want for myself?

When things in the world are troubling, my need is not to join in the chaos but to cleave to the peace within. The way to gain power in a world that is moving too fast is to learn to slow down. The only way to spread one’s influence wide is to learn to go deep....