Our emotions are like children, they want to be heard, acknowledged and accepted. We have eyes to see, ears to hear, and emotions to feel and express the energy that wants to move through us.
As children most of us were not taught that it was ok to express our emotions; we heard that “boys don’t cry” or may have been sent to our room or the principal’s office when we got angry or “acted out”. We learned early on that it was better if our emotions were neither seen nor heard. So we buried them.
Well kids, let’s take a TIME OUT and look at what’s really happening. All the emotions that we have buried is the gift within us that wants to be healed. Emotions are “energy in motion” and one way or another they will rise to the surface.
If you choose to acknowledge and allow yourself to feel what lies within you, you create the possibility of healing. But when you continue to stuff what you don’t want to see, (and often times don’t even know is there), your body and your life will find a way to get your attention.
Not unlike a three year old, if you are not living your life from the perspective of your soul’s deepest desires, your body is going to pitch a fit. Think of pain, disease (dis-ease) and unrest as your “inner tantrums”.
How do you express your emotions? If there is something that you want to say, or need to say… do you say it? Take a moment and feel what it feels like to inhibit the flow of that energy from being released? How does that feel in your body? Do you stop yourself from saying what you truly feel because you believe you might be rejected, embarrassed or hurt someone’s feelings? What if they get upset, or don’t like you anymore?
Albert Einstein said “You cannot solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that created the problem”. By making the same choices over and over again (i.e. – not expressing your authentic self) you will never solve the problem.
In addition, without releasing the energy of the thoughts and beliefs you hold in your body they can manifest in physical issues from your throat chakra (not speaking your truth) to digestive issues (stuffing and swallowing unhealthy thoughts and beliefs).
Did you know that 85% of the things we worry about never happen?
If every time you felt anger or loneliness, frustration or sadness you allowed yourself to find a healthy way to express and acknowledge those feelings you would actually be healing and moving your life towards what you really want to create!
What if you made the decision to look at the situation from a new level of consciousness and tried something new? With an open and vulnerable heart, speak your truth.
But before you dive in remember thatpeople don’t hear what you say, they feel what you say. Always speak with love and compassion for yourself, for others, and for the circumstances.
For situations when communication is not advisable, desirable or possible here are some other valuable tools.
- Write a letter to express your feelings, you don’t have to send it, in fact it may be helpful once you write it to burn it. The idea is to release your emotions and let them go.
- Talk to a friend or family member – find someone who is a good listener. A positive influence and inspirational support, someone that that will help you rise to that new level of thinking Mr. Einstein was talking about.
- Ask yourself – How can I see things from a different perspective?
- Work on forgiveness – For great free exercises and information on forgiveness https://www.radicalforgiveness.com/
- Seek out professional help – depending on your personal situation talk to a therapist, energy healer or life coach
Listen to the whispers,