Every single thing we consume is stored in our body.
Everything you’ve read or watched that day, you’ve felt, you’ve thought, every conversation you’ve had… it’s ALL stored in our body.
Now some people have more energy flow in their body and they can let go of this junk easier. And for most of us it needs to be intentionally felt, meditated with, and processed to completion in order to be let go of.
This is not easily done in a 5 minute meditation session, although that’s a good place to start. In my own personal experience, it takes about 45mins-1 hour of somatic meditation a day to get clear again.
What we don’t let go of in the body ends up manifesting as unconscious and repeated patterns. It may manifest as an underlying feeling of discomfort, disconnection, or anxiety. In the modern world, tension stored in the body often manifests as compulsively checking our phone.
The body holds onto everything we didn’t feel, embrace and process fully in the present moment that we experienced it. Most of us do not meet life this directly because we are unconsciously afraid.
Majority of humans on this planet hold onto immense amounts of conscious/unconscious fear. Even if you think you don’t, I guarantee you if you explored your cells deeply you would find fear there. It’s just part of our animal nature.
If you want to change your mechanical, unconscious, patterns—go into your body.
If you want to change how you show up in the world—look at what memories and beliefs are stored in your body.
Your body is your biography and it determines your present state and future experiences.
The body is your karma and your guru. There is no hiding from your body. Your body knows.’~Laura Matsue
Artist Natalia Brodofsky
